Stillness and Zen-sation, the feeling of total harmony between you and everything around you, allowing and flowing,
gentle and soft, yet very present and passionately alive.

June 19, 2010

Poverty – it is a mind-set

It is astonishing how people can put themselves in a state of poverty thinking. If one does not possess matter is one than to be considered poor ? Maybe just quite the contrary.

The inwardly rich person, the one that cherishes the smallness in the grandness, and does not seek the outer wealth, will find the true creative power of a divine origin, the truth : we are abundance. We are money or whatever we wish to be.

This is to be taken literally. The creation of outer material world IS already a manifestation of the inner beliefs. If one still thinks in small human terms of poverty or sadness of life, it will generate the movie of that sadness. That is the power of every human being.
When one is happy, no matter the outcome of life, or wherever he is standing, in which situation, he will see clear on how to manifest another reality if that is desired. It takes balance, softness and gentleness, flow and ease, grace and understanding. It takes silence at times, listening much more to the subtle whispers of the inner being. Then, the universe, that is always serving every wish we have, will materialize everything one needs.

If one allows to be carried by the universal breath, the life becomes one of divine nature.
Thinking in poverty terms will regenerate, day by the day, those terms. How to break the chain ? Be happy with what you already have, understand that there is no ‘need’, just a happy allowance of beingness. When one wishes food, the universe will arrange. It just takes a bit of gentle and silent patience, and balanced softness. It is not difficult, it only is a state of total trust in self, that it works that way.

Aka Komaya
June 2010
From the Auroville Pondicherry area

June 16, 2010

Discoveries of the moment - Magic

Now, there is nothing else. Now is everything, it is the past and the future and the moment. Whenever a moment changes, the past and the future change as well. The earth reality is one moment, it is not a linear timeline. It is not, the past is a dreamdust projection of something that is made up in the moment, and the future is an hallucination.

We change the past when we change our now moment. Each new, unchartered decision is a new past and a new future. We are running a movie that is totally dynamic, over all the timelines.

The now moment is THE full package of the experience of ONE, that you are. Whatever you play with, decide, think, move and undo, reflects itself over the timeline that becomes aligned with it. Everything is always entirely changing, the past, the present and the future. All the events and experiences are changeable, thus is the magic of this reality.

As soon as this wisdom is totally understood and integrated, you become the builder of everything that you choose to be. Magic is possible, there are no limits.
June 2010
aka Komaya

June 15, 2010

Time and Distance

The reality of matter - it is in the hardness that it confirms itself. In the softness it transforms to something else, something deeper and utterly silent, yet vibrant of life itself. Look at a stone and find the universe, look at the tree and find passion. The less one moves, the more one vibrates. The more one moves, the less one understands.

Nothing is far away - it is the perception that creates the distance. Therefore you are determining the space between things.

Nature - the harder you push, the harder it pushes back. It is self-confirming. It is in the flow that you become water, my friend. Be water and you merge with the power of nature.

June 2010
aka Komaya